Static Express Site
As one of my early forays into "server-side" JavaScript, this project was created while learning to use Node.js and Express.
The assignment was to create a personal portfolio site including a landing page which showcases projects, individual project description pages, and an about page with bio.
This included using a JSON data file for project details, and Pug templating for all the page presentations.
To build a simple portfolio site using Node.js and Express.
I built this project from the ground up using Node.js and Express. This process included importing the required dependencies, linking the JSON with the Pug templates, setting up routes to handle requests, setting up middleware to utilize static files like CSS, handling errors, and setting up a server to serve the project.
Through this project I gained experience and knowledge about building a powerful and modern back end project.
The final product, along with the source code, can be viewed using the links provided in this case study. The project received the highest marks in the peer reviewed grading process.